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Add tenure-height to block height info on the explorer #1624

Open 314159265359879 opened 2 months ago

314159265359879 commented 2 months ago

Please review the existing enhancement issues at the link below before creating a new one to ensure you do not create a duplicate request.

With the Nakamoto release "tenure-height" is introduced but this is not revealed in the explorer, right? should confirmations have three "block heights" instead: Stacks block height > tenure-height > bitcoin block height Tenure-height will be important for users to know when their BNS names expire and any other protocols that rely on "old block-height", I don't think this is revealed anywhere yet. image

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Users will want to know when their BNS names expire they will use "tenure-height"

image https://forum.stacks.org/t/bns-nakamoto-upgrade/15579/4

Describe the solution you'd like Have three "block heights" instead: Stacks block height > tenure-height > bitcoin block height

Describe alternatives you've considered n.a.

Additional context Brice also likes this idea.

andresgalante commented 2 months ago

Hi, Since this isn't revealed anywhere yet, Is there any use case for this information at the momemnt?

314159265359879 commented 2 months ago

Users would need the tenure height to know when their BNS names expire.

andresgalante commented 1 month ago

Since it's a feature for BNS, we can show this only on BNS tx-id pages

314159265359879 commented 1 month ago

Tenure height is a new global variable in Clarity 3. It is used for BNS to work around an issue due to faster blocks in Stacks 3.0. I wouldn't call it a BNS feature.

To me it makes more sense to always show it.