hirosystems / explorer

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Starting block for a cycle shown incorrectly: should be reward block height start instead of prepare phase cycle start #1714

Closed 314159265359879 closed 2 months ago

314159265359879 commented 3 months ago

https://explorer.hiro.so/signers?chain=mainnet image


    "next_cycle": {
        "id": 88,
        "min_threshold_ustx": 100000000000,
        "min_increment_ustx": 73493212489,
        "stacked_ustx": 375884195532107,
        "prepare_phase_start_block_height": 850750,
        "blocks_until_prepare_phase": -40,
        "reward_phase_start_block_height": 850850,
        "blocks_until_reward_phase": 60,
        "ustx_until_pox_rejection": null

This is when cycle 88 starts: reward_phase_start_block_height": 850850 not ...750 so it should say Starts in ... days at bitcoin block 850850.

Although a bit odd... prepare_phase_start_block_height is still part of the "old cycle" in this case 87.

314159265359879 commented 3 months ago

Or perhaps show both values in the interface to provide users with more information? Users can lock for cycle 88 until 850750. But users waiting for their tokens to unlock have to wait until the reward phase starts.