hirotaka / storybook-addon-nuxt

This add-on makes it easier to set up Storybook in your Nuxt3 project.
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Is this project dead or alive? #28

Open filiphazardous opened 10 months ago

filiphazardous commented 10 months ago

I notice that there are no commits since June 9th, and there are four PRs dealing with very real problems. Is there a problem with lack of time for the maintainer? @hirotaka

rezkileap commented 10 months ago

Wondering the same question here, but recently found this project by one of the Storybook maintainer.


No date yet but will be merged with the Storybook https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/pull/23663

filiphazardous commented 10 months ago

Is that by a Storybook maintainer? Good to know. I've tried that one too, and it is buggier than this project, but if it is maintained it may be worth a shot anyway.