hirotaka / storybook-addon-nuxt

This add-on makes it easier to set up Storybook in your Nuxt3 project.
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Error with Vuetify Treeshaking #7

Open irsyaadbp opened 1 year ago

irsyaadbp commented 1 year ago



export default defineNuxtConfig({
  css: ["vuetify/styles", "@mdi/font/css/materialdesignicons.css"],
  build: {
    transpile: ["vuetify"],
  modules: [
    async (_options, nuxt) => {
      nuxt.hooks.hook("vite:extendConfig", (config) => {

if i takeout this code its working, but i want this code

modules: [
    async (_options, nuxt) => {
      nuxt.hooks.hook("vite:extendConfig", (config) => {
hirotaka commented 1 year ago

I understand that there are issues with numerous Nuxt modules. I'm currently exploring ways to manage Nuxt plugins efficiently. This process might take some time, but I will update you on any advancements!

g1ronn1mo commented 1 year ago

I tried to get an other repo running, because this addon does not work with vuetify. I could not get it to work, but maybe you have more luck.


Is it in general possible to get the nuxt modules working?