hirotakaster / MQTT

MQTT for Photon, Spark Core
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Publish with QOS and Retain #16

Closed alistairg closed 8 years ago

alistairg commented 8 years ago

It's possible I'm missing something - but how would I publish a message with a QOS of 2, and the retain flag set?

alistairg commented 8 years ago

I can see you added support for QOS1 and QOS2, but not retain on publish..... ?

hirotakaster commented 8 years ago

QoS1 and QoS2 don't need retain flag, there is not correlation QoS and retain flag. check MQTT V3.1 Protocol Specification. http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/dw/webservices/ws-mqtt/mqtt-v3r1.html