hirotakaster / MQTT

MQTT for Photon, Spark Core
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Particle.io WEB IDE: compile error for core @1.4.4 #88

Closed nebucaz closed 3 years ago

nebucaz commented 3 years ago

When including MQTT.h and compile, errors were thrown:

lib/MQTT/MQTT.h:157:0: undefined reference to "os_mutex_lock" lib/MQTT/MQTT.h:158:0: undefined reference to "os_mutex_unlock"

Hardware: Spark Core DeviceOS: 1.4.4 (default)

Successfully compiles for Photon (@2.0.1) on local Particle Workbench and Web-IDE. Any idea, how to make this work on core (@1.4.4)?

hirotakaster commented 3 years ago

@nebucaz now update to 0.4.31. please use this version.

nebucaz commented 3 years ago

Compiles now, thanks. Also found out, that the library MQTT_a0e4 works too.