hiruna72 / squigualiser

Visualise and analyse nanopore (ONT) raw signals
MIT License
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tag mv not found #41

Closed UmairK291095 closed 7 months ago

UmairK291095 commented 9 months ago

raise Exception("Error: tag '{}' is not found. Please check your input SAM/BAM file.".format("mv")) Exception: Error: tag 'mv' is not found. Please check your input SAM/BAM file

this error is showing while runnign this code "# PAF output for plotting ALIGNMENT=reform_output.paf squigualiser reform --sig_move_offset 0 --kmer_length 1 -c --bam out.sam -o ${ALIGNMENT}"

hasindu2008 commented 9 months ago

What's the command you used for basecalling? Likely you missed the flag to ensure to move table.

UmairK291095 commented 9 months ago

dorado basecaller dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_sup@v4.2.0 /data/gecko/bioinf_shared/minion_storage/230615-FNB-mk1c/KLPN/20230615_1225_MC-115296_FAW84557_c4d119ad/pod5 > /home/user_pool_1/mohd/POD5/230615-FNB/calls.bam

hiruna72 commented 9 months ago

Hi @UmairK291095,

Please pass the argument --emit-moves.

UmairK291095 commented 9 months ago

Worked. Thanks