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Download - species field guide #4

Open GillBrown opened 8 years ago

GillBrown commented 8 years ago

First of all can I say that I really like the new download interface. Now onto downloading the species field-guide.

Is there anyway that people will be able to select the images that go in their species field-guide if there is more than one image?

For example, there are two specimen images on Acacia adunca on the test-AVH site but when I download the field guide I only get one image and its neither of the specimen images that I have just looked at. I realise this could be time consuming and clunky for large searches with a lot of taxa but perhaps you can have a way you can either take their default image (by the way how is this chosen?) or they can select the image they want from those on ALA. Kind of like if you select a customised download under the occurence records.

Example - record images for Acacia adunca are here http://avh-test.ala.org.au/occurrences/search?q=lsid%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fid.biodiversity.org.au%2Fnode%2Fapni%2F4519073&fq=multimedia%3A%22Image%22&qc=data_hub_uid:dh9&fq=taxon_name%3A%22Acacia%20adunca%22#tab_recordImages and the species field guide you get from this search data is here http://fieldguide.ala.org.au/guide/28072016/fieldguide1469679368636.pdf

acvaughan commented 8 years ago

That would be a great feature if there's enough demand and if it's possible to implement. I can imagine that people might want to create field guides that focus on a particular plant part (e.g. flowers or leaves) and being able to customise the images would be useful for that. But I also imagine that they wouldn't want to do this very often, and I don't think this should be super high priority.