histograph / data

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Branch data-modules isn't converting any data #34

Closed reinvantveer closed 8 years ago

reinvantveer commented 8 years ago

Unclear on how this should work, but at the moment it isn't. Switched to histograph-config data-modules branch, with a freshly pulled data-geonames:

data:                                       # Data module options (http://github.com/histograph/data)
  modulePrefix: data-
  baseDir: /home/reinv/data/Github/histograph
  generatedDir: /home/reinv/data/Github/histograph/generated-data
        - NL
      extraUris: ./extra-uris.json

But on: reinv@lingui:~/data/Github/histograph/data$ node index.js --all

Using data modules in /home/reinv/data/Github/histograph/data-*
  Saving data to /home/reinv/data/Github/histograph/generated-data

No data modules found...

Usage: node index.js [--all] [--steps [step1,step2,...]] [--config /path/to/config.yml] [module ...]
bertspaan commented 8 years ago

I guess I forgot to push latest version of config repo. I've just pushed to data-modules branch in histograph/config. I hope it works - let me know if it doesn't.

sbocconi commented 8 years ago

Related to #29