hisusqristos / karpet

domestic carpets via domestic wave function collapse
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let's state the rules #3

Open hisusqristos opened 1 year ago

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

jolies flèches de cupidon

lets pretend we are Cupid's helper and our main responsibility is making lovely arrows.

We have

here is a small taste of our mighty talent of making arrows

There are several good-arrow-building rules you get to master in CHDS (Cupid Helping Divine School) and we're gonna get to all of them.

1. Always start with a fletching

invalid ♡-♡---❀♡--> valid »-♡-❀->

2. after flething there's always a stick

invalid »> »♡-❀->

valid »-♡-❀->

3. after a stick there's either a heart, a flower or another stick

invalid »--> vallid »-❀-♡->

and finally the point. it always comes after a heart or a flower. never after a stick or a flitcher.

vallid »-❀-♡-> invalid »-❀♡-->

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

as we see, the rules are:

part previous next
flitcher nothing stick
stick flower, flitcher, heart, stick flower, heart, stick
flower stick, heart, flower stick, heart, flower, point
heart stick, heart, flower stick, heart, flower, point
point heart, flower nothing
hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

The same way we write rules for carpet parts in this project. honestly, the amount of those parts is not small :< and it will take time to think about their rules. extra help is welcome. hope this issue makes sense <3

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

we have

and the rules (work in process) part up right bottom left
antaranyan commented 1 year ago
  1. after a stick there's either a heart, a flower or another stick

.. or point*

no. the point looks like this -> . heto el if you allow a point after a stick, it can skip flowers and hearts (because its valid vor qcenq brnenq, m?)

antaranyan commented 1 year ago

Overall, this is a wonderful problem to solve /wonderfulutyamb zijelov miayn varpetnerin/ While simple and playful, yet solution can come as elegant and/or sophisticated as you want.

Now I think considering rules of construction how would I make it, as an arrow maker for Cupid. Should I first pick the point fit to the target heart, and start from there? Or it's the amount of flowers is to come first? Have you too thought about it this way?

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

in this case, we have rules that limit the amount of possible parts that can continue the current part.

when the current one is a stick, we disallow a flitcher and a point and allow anything else.

if we want to state the minimal count of flowers in our arrow - then we can have another set of rules. like

flower- 2 hearts- 3.

we can easily implement this after having the first thing working. but i still think i misunderstood your question

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

you get 2 flowers and 3 hearts (due to divine crisis :<) and put nothing more, nothing less.

after combining our building-rules and accessory-limiting-rules we get something like this:


antaranyan commented 1 year ago

i still think i misunderstood your question

I think so. Before getting into formalizing logic, I'm curious about the story behind it. Like, the craftsmanship principles of Cupid-oriented arrow making, which then turn into rules as we need.

you get 2 flowers and 3 hearts (due to divine crisis :<) and put nothing more, nothing less.

This is more like it, yes

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

again, to keep things simple, lets concentrate on limiting possible parts, and afterwards saaax tveri het kxaxanq

antaranyan commented 1 year ago

Yes, what would be the most simple arrow possible?

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

»-❀-> or »-♡->

antaranyan commented 1 year ago

aveli most simple...

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

chka aveli most simple, duq achqis zevsi neteri bajinn eq uzum

antaranyan commented 1 year ago

ha, knereq, sa vor harkn er?

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

liftov ijeq dzax areq.

nayi, the point looks like this -> not like this >

and a stick doesnt get continued by a point. so if the arrow doesnt go that deep into someons heart` it still poisons them (lav imastov). because there is a flower coming right before the point

antaranyan commented 1 year ago

Got it.

So flower (or a heart) isn't a decoration you attach somewhere but an essential accessory that comes right after the point, correct?

If we imagine making a basic Cupid arrow, we would:

and voilà - »-❀->

If this makes sense, then I see I got an answer for my earlier question, thank you.

antaranyan commented 1 year ago

nayi, the point looks like this -> not like this >

de karam mi ban el yes asem, te tenc a fletching might come like »- not », so we don't take care to do it correctly each time, but like plug and play. Hm?

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

aaa shat lav ban es asum, yes. very nice.

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

So flower (or a heart) isn't a decoration you attach somewhere but an essential accessory that comes right after the point, correct?


and voilà - »-❀->

very good, another talented arrow maker has joined our factory

antaranyan commented 1 year ago

Also, it's interesting to note that parts of the conversation include some phrases in a language other than English, possibly Armenian. These seem to be casual or jovial exchanges, likely personal jokes or shared references between the participants. Some of these phrases, like "sa vor harkn er?" and "knereq," could be a part of a conversation in colloquial Armenian.