hisusqristos / karpet

domestic carpets via domestic wave function collapse
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investigate #9

Open hisusqristos opened 1 year ago

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

this time we dont have to imagine anything, everything is real and practical, all the examples are recorded from my (multi)personal experience.

good neutral evil
lawful :3 :l :(
neutral =3 =l =(
chaotic >:3 >:l >:(

aaaaaaa moraca inch ei sarqelu, knereq

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

imastn en a vor every tile has its neighbors. and the type of that tile depends on its neighbors. lets bring an example on real neighbors.


Mi casa es (no) su casa.

There once lived an artistic soul named Finn that was known in his region, Not for his theatrical aptitude, but his father's maple syrup farm, which we later found out was illegal (sorry not sorry).
One harvest autumn (september burns, the killer cries, but he could not postupit otherwise..) his mother opened the door to a young lady who introduced herself as William's siruhi (william aka finns father).

Many questions finn's mother had, and all of them vanished, as the lady came to message her about his man's death. William's creditor organized his murder long before he failed them, and It was a true act of dishonor.

They both stood in silence for a while. Long story short, siruhi wanted the farm. she knew the farm was illegal and threaten to snitch on them if they did the things otherwise. The woman was lost. She could barely exist with the money she earned by selling bread.

Months of dealing with bureaucracy led finn to quit acting. Besides, worst of the things happened during that time, the creditors came to get their cash back, siruhi earned the capital (siruhinerin et hesht a trvum) and this fatal tension formed a man from our sentimental protagonist, Finn. One day he came to his exhausted mother, and whispered

Գամ քեզ էլ առնեմ ու փախչենք հեռու (let me go work in kalyaska become rich and invite you)

Loving mother could not resist her tears, she turned to the wooden window, and said

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

it took finn several weeks to get to kalaska. mi erku or hangstacav and signed for babysitting (you live in baby's house during your work session)

and in Kalyaska there is an ancient tradition to play poker every night with your neighbors.

People here are very sceptical to new members. Usually they turn you inside out then make up an immutable verdict. But once they love you, they hire you for a presentable salary.

Finn's mission is to please every neighbor, and cheer up his mother with some more :moneybag: Plus he's an actor. With his charisma and acting abilities he can warm up every heart at his neighborhood.

hisusqristos commented 1 year ago

uremn. neighbors can be

sanguine :D phlegmatic :) choleric >:l melancholic :(

:D are okay with everything :) are okay with anything but :( >:| are okay with :) only :( are okay with >:| :) `:(``

lets practice!

:D :)

we disqualify :( because :) cant take them and we have :D :) >:l and we randomly choose >:l

:D >:l :)

now with 3x3 rayon

:( >:l :(
:D :D
>:l :( :)

we look left, right and see :D which doesnt disqualify annything we look down, and see :( that disqualifies :D and finally, we look up and it disqualifies :D :( and>:l

the only option left is :)

:( >:l :(
:D :) :D
>:l :( :)