hit9 / rux

Micro & Fast static blog generator (markdown => html).
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
59 stars 17 forks source link

A few comments #1

Closed Ivoz closed 10 years ago

Ivoz commented 10 years ago

Hi there. In relation to package requirements, you might like to read Donald Stufft's advice on setup.py vs requirements.txt. He's quite knowledgeable on the subject, being a maintainer for pip :)

Also had you considered using a YAML frontmatter for posts? (Or TOML, for that matter)

A lot of other blog generators, like Jekyll and Acrylamid, use this format, and if you chose to support it it would make your blog post format compatible and familiar with many other engines.

hit9 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for these comments.

About the issue "requirements.txt and setup.py", I just think, it works, it's ok.

The second one: post' header part. yet the meta information part. I have thought about jekyll's, in yaml or in toml. But rux has No tags, No categories... rux needs little meta. So rux doesn't need a configuration languange like yaml. Only two items: title and the optional title picture, the first non-space line will be the title, and the second non-space line will be the title picture, that's all the post's header part.

Rux won't add more tems to post's meta, responsing to its goal - designed only for writing.

Have you ever tested rux? It's a cute tool.

Ivoz commented 10 years ago

Rux won't add more tems to post's meta, responsing to its goal - designed only for writing.

Alright then, no worries :)