hitachi-speech / EEND

End-to-End Neural Diarization
MIT License
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Why are we using "load_segments_rechash" function when loading the segments file? Why are we not using "load_segments", Its causing key error in the pipeline. #32

Open saumyaborwankar opened 3 years ago

saumyaborwankar commented 3 years ago

This is regarding mini_librispeech speech recipe Line number 254 in eend/ filtered_segments = kaldi_obj.segments[kaldi_obj.segments['rec'] == rec] returns a key error of 'rec' if we use load_segments_recash in line number 149 in eend/ which can be fixed by using filtered_segments = kaldi_obj.segments[rec] But I'm not really sure if we should change this. Any help is welcome. Let me know what to use and when to use. Thanks