I have trained a 2-spk model on custom dataset with an overall DER of 0.063. I would like to run inference and scoring on another custom dataset containing 2 spks.
The part that does scoring in run_eda.sh is
if [ $stage -le 8 ]; then
echo "scoring at $scoring_dir"
if [ -d $scoring_dir ]; then
echo "$scoring_dir already exists. "
echo " if you want to retry, please remove it."
exit 1
for dset in callhome2_spkall; do
mkdir -p $work
find $infer_dir/$dset -iname "*.h5" > $work/file_list_$dset
for med in 1 11; do
for th in 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7; do
make_rttm.py --median=$med --threshold=$th \
--frame_shift=$infer_frame_shift --subsampling=$infer_subsampling --sampling_rate=$inf$
$work/file_list_$dset $scoring_dir/$dset/hyp_${th}_$med.rttm
md-eval.pl -c 0.25 \
-r data/eval/$dset/rttm \
-s $scoring_dir/$dset/hyp_${th}_$med.rttm > $scoring_dir/$dset/result_th${th}_med${med}_collar0.25 2>/dev/null || exit
Now I understand that make_rttm.py creates hypotheses which I was able to do however, I am unable to figure out how the rescoring works. In run_eda.sh rescoring is done using
I have trained a 2-spk model on custom dataset with an overall DER of 0.063. I would like to run inference and scoring on another custom dataset containing 2 spks.
The part that does scoring in
isNow I understand that make_rttm.py creates hypotheses which I was able to do however, I am unable to figure out how the rescoring works. In
rescoring is done usingI cannot find the file
which seems to be doing the rescoring here. Can anybody point me towards this particular file?