hiteshjoshi / node-stanford-corenlp

A simple node.js wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP.
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Issue with Tika #9

Closed pvlreyes closed 9 years ago

pvlreyes commented 9 years ago


I'm not sure if it is okay to ask it here but I hope you could help me with my issue. I am using tika to extract text from a document and I want to use stanford corenlp to process the contents but I'm having issue on using both in my project.

var tika = require('tika'); var NLP = require('stanford-corenlp'); var config = {"nlpPath":"./corenlp","version":"3.4"}; var coreNLP = new NLP.StanfordNLP(config);

error: [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...

Is there something I need to do to make them both working?