hitontology / database

Schema, diagram and SPARQL import and export of the HITO software product PostgreSQL database.
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classified_has_child not downloaded correctly? #13

Closed KonradHoeffner closed 3 years ago

KonradHoeffner commented 3 years ago
{suffix("?parent")} AS ?parent_suffix
{suffix("?child")} AS ?child_suffix
 ?child ?p ?parent.
 ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf hito:subClassifiedOf. 


Shouldn't there be much more?

\echo FILL TABLE classified_has_child
DELETE FROM classified_has_child;
INSERT INTO classified_has_child(parent_suffix,child_suffix) VALUES
(E'WhoDhiLaboratoryAndDiagnosticsImagingManagement',E'WhoDhiTransmitToHealthcareProviderAndTrack')ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
KonradHoeffner commented 3 years ago

Those are all features that support functions, they shouldn't be in that table at all but instead in feature_supports_function. And the features that have subfeatures need to be included instead, find out why that doesn't work.

KonradHoeffner commented 3 years ago

Move feature-function pairs to feature_supports_function

Added in 119322718a74625d0795132eb1362df86265c772.

KonradHoeffner commented 3 years ago

Include subfeatures

In https://github.com/hitontology/csv2rdf, the property hito:subFeatureOf is used. The ontology defines:

###  http://hitontology.eu/ontology/subFeatureOf
:featureClassifiedComponent rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
                    rdfs:subPropertyOf :subClassifiedOf ;
                    rdfs:domain :FeatureClassified;
                    rdfs:range :FeatureClassified;
                    rdfs:label "subfeature of"@en .

There is a mismatch between the URI on the one hand, and the comment and label on the other hand. The problem lies in https://github.com/hitontology/ontology/commit/508f231c6ad57631a51a69b73544e1dc8c9bba51, hito:subFeatureOf is the correct one.

I corrected that in the ontology and uploaded the new hito.ttl in the SPARQL endpoint conductor interface. https://hitontology.eu/ontology/subFeatureOf is now defined. Rerunning the download script now includes subfeatures.

KonradHoeffner commented 3 years ago

All the subFeatures and support entries are now in the database.