hitranonline / hapi

HITRAN Application Programming Interface (HAPI)
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Recent change in CO Einstein coefficients ? #25

Closed erwanp closed 3 years ago

erwanp commented 3 years ago

Hello @RomanKochanov and the HITRAN team,

I work on the Python code RADIS which computes spectra from HITRAN/HITEMP/etc., with a focus on high-temperature spectra with millions of lines.

One of our validation test uses HAPI as a reference and recently failed (https://github.com/radis/radis/issues/160) because of an unexpected change in CO Einstein coefficients downloaded from HITRAN, compared to hardcoded values. I'm surprised that the test did not fail before, given that our hardcoded values have not changed in the past 3 years..



erwanp commented 3 years ago

Update 30/12/20 : I see that a change of ~2% has now been announced on the HITRAN website, so we can close the issue!