hitranonline / hapi

HITRAN Application Programming Interface (HAPI)
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Due to my inability to use HAPI for data downloads, I have modified some of the code for network applications to be usable in Python 3.10 #52

Open MZA1997 opened 3 months ago

MZA1997 commented 3 months ago

import urllib.request  
import ssl  
import json  

def queryHITRAN(TableName, iso_id_list, numin, numax, pargroups=[], params=[], dotpar=True, head=False):
    ParameterList = prepareParlist(pargroups=pargroups, params=params, dotpar=dotpar)
    TableHeader = prepareHeader(ParameterList)
    TableHeader['table_name'] = TableName
    DataFileName = VARIABLES['BACKEND_DATABASE_NAME'] + '/' + TableName + '.data'
    HeaderFileName = VARIABLES['BACKEND_DATABASE_NAME'] + '/' + TableName + '.header'

    iso_id_list_str = [str(iso_id) for iso_id in iso_id_list]
    iso_id_list_str = ','.join(iso_id_list_str)
    print('\nData is fetched from %s\n' % VARIABLES['GLOBAL_HOST'])

    if pargroups or params:  # custom par search
        url = VARIABLES['GLOBAL_HOST'] + '/lbl/api?' + \
            'iso_ids_list=' + iso_id_list_str + '&' + \
            'numin=' + str(numin) + '&' + \
            'numax=' + str(numax) + '&' + \
            'head=' + str(head) + '&' + \
            'fixwidth=0&sep=[comma]&' + \
            'request_params=' + ','.join(ParameterList)
    else:  # old-fashioned .par search
        url = VARIABLES['GLOBAL_HOST'] + '/lbl/api?' + \
            'iso_ids_list=' + iso_id_list_str + '&' + \
            'numin=' + str(numin) + '&' + \
            'numax=' + str(numax)

        print(url + '\n')


        context = ssl._create_unverified_context()

        if VARIABLES['PROXY']:
            print('Using proxy ' + str(VARIABLES['PROXY']))
            proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(VARIABLES['PROXY'])
            opener = urllib.request.build_opener(proxy)

        req = urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=context)
    except urllib.error.HTTPError:
        raise Exception('Failed to retrieve data for given parameters.')
    except urllib.error.URLError:
        raise Exception('Cannot connect to %s. Try again or edit GLOBAL_HOST variable.' % VARIABLES['GLOBAL_HOST'])

    CHUNK = 64 * 1024
    print('BEGIN DOWNLOAD: ' + TableName)

    with open(DataFileName, 'w') as fp:
        while True:
            chunk = req.read(CHUNK)
            if not chunk:
            print('  %d bytes written to %s' % (CHUNK, DataFileName))

    with open(HeaderFileName, 'w') as fp:
        fp.write(json.dumps(TableHeader, indent=2))
        print('Header written to %s' % HeaderFileName)

    print('END DOWNLOAD')

emccaughey commented 3 months ago

I was also having a problem getting data downloads to work using hapi. Thank you for the fix!