hitszosa / wiki

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Minor prettify #17

Closed shirok1 closed 2 years ago

shirok1 commented 2 years ago

把 SVG logo 放到顶上以及当作 favicon(据说比较旧的浏览器不支持 svg favicon? 在下面加上 github org 和 lug.pub 的链接 另外还有一个让图片默认行内上下居中的extra_css,让行内图片(尤其是通过 md 语法添加的)看起来更加整齐,具体见那篇 handy cli 里面的 badge

shirok1 commented 2 years ago

说起来前几天还在想要不要把本地 autocorrect 处理过的 WSL2 那篇传上来,结果现在直接集成进 CI 了 :laughing:

rewired-gh commented 2 years ago

It seems that cloudflare pages preview is not available now.

rewired-gh commented 2 years ago

Favicon does not work. Maybe using sorts of favicon generator could address the problem. For example, https://www.favicon-generator.org.