hitzhangjie / tinydbg

This repo teaches you how to build a golang debugger in golang. This repo is forked from go-delve/delve and simplified for linux/amd64.
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解释型语言的调试器只需要在解释器基础上包装下就行了 #25

Open hitzhangjie opened 2 years ago

hitzhangjie commented 2 years ago



hitzhangjie commented 2 years ago


def traceit(frame: FrameType, event: str, arg: Any) -> Optional[Callable]:

Here, event is a string telling what has happened in the program – for instance,

'line' – a new line is executed
'call' – a function just has been called
'return' – a function returns
The frame argument holds the current execution frame – that is, the function and its local variables:

frame.f_lineno – the current line
frame.f_locals – the current variables (as a Python dictionary)
frame.f_code – the current code (as a Code object), with attributes such as
frame.f_code.co_name – the name of the current function

see: https://www.debuggingbook.org/beta/html/Tracer.html#:~:text=Tracing%20Python%20Programs,access%20program%20state.

hitzhangjie commented 2 years ago

这里还显示了另一种通过“代码织入” code instrucmentation 的方法来实现tracer的思路,比较适合解释型语言这种。


hitzhangjie commented 2 years ago



文末最后提到了time travel debugger的实现,最差的就是记录每一行语句或者分支执行时全部变量的变化,但是这种耗内存多,可以只记录变化。这里只是个简单的练习,要想真的做到这种程度,还是参考下mozilla rr的记录方案,那才叫一个全面。