hiukim / mind-ar-js

Web Augmented Reality. Image Tracking, Face Tracking. Tensorflow.js
MIT License
2.14k stars 394 forks source link

1.2.0 breaks static app build (create-react-app) #343

Closed jotatoledo closed 1 year ago

jotatoledo commented 1 year ago

Currently an application built with create-react-app will work correctly during development but will fail once deployed with the error: require not defined

Seems like the bundle will contain multiple calls to require(path-to-system-file). Most likely realted to the new build system?


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ankitgupta401 commented 1 year ago

did you find the solution?

jotatoledo commented 1 year ago

did you find the solution?

deployed my own patched version of mind-ar with the app, didnt had time to look into the issue sorry

ankitgupta401 commented 1 year ago

did you find the solution?

deployed my own patched version of mind-ar with the app, didnt had time to look into the issue sorry

Can you please share your patched version?

jotatoledo commented 1 year ago

did you find the solution?

deployed my own patched version of mind-ar with the app, didnt had time to look into the issue sorry

Can you please share your patched version?

What I meant with patched was that I took the previous version and I applied some of the changes in the latest version (with exception of the build system change ofc). You can easily do the same locally.

chirag-aura commented 1 year ago

@ankitgupta401 solved this issue?

ankitgupta401 commented 1 year ago

@ankitgupta401 solved this issue?

We used the cdn version of mind-ar

chirag-aura commented 1 year ago

@ankitgupta401 solved this issue?

We used the cdn version of mind-ar

image import like this in App.js can I replace it with cdn or need to change whole library

hiukim commented 1 year ago

duplicated issue: https://github.com/hiukim/mind-ar-js-react/issues/7