hiukim / mind-ar-js

Web Augmented Reality. Image Tracking, Face Tracking. Tensorflow.js
MIT License
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Tracking Config with Threejs demo #361

Closed jamess922 closed 1 year ago

jamess922 commented 1 year ago

Hi : About the threejs-image demo,how to fine tune the tracking? is there some parameters like filterMinCF,filterBeta,warmupTolerance?

LeithBA commented 1 year ago

I think you can set your config when creating your MindARThree by doing this:

const mindarThree = new MindARThree({
    container: document.querySelector("#container"),
    imageTargetSrc: './assets/card-example/card.mind',
    filterMinCF: 1,
    filterBeta: 10000,
    missTolerance: 0,
    warmupTolerance: 0,

You can find a threejs example here.