hiukim / mind-ar-js

Web Augmented Reality. Image Tracking, Face Tracking. Tensorflow.js
MIT License
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Three-facemesh in A-Frame #523

Open dogzilla opened 2 months ago

dogzilla commented 2 months ago

In /examples/face-tracking/Three-facemesh.html there is an example of adding a material to a face mesh created with threejs that allows for "virtual facepaint". I find this feature very useful, but would like to integrate it with my existing A-Frame workflow (I can accomplish this through 8thWall, but that solution has limitations).

Has anyone successfully integrated this feature with A-Frame? I've taken a shot at implementing the threejs code as an A-Frame component, but quickly got lost in the weeds due to dependencies that have also been modified (controller-d1-OMKPY.js and ui-fBadYuor.js at minimum). I wind up with multiple instances of threejs that appear to be stepping on each other with the result that I can only get to a partial display.

Any suggestions or help in accomplishing this would be hugely appreciated. My goal is to ultimately be able to use this as easily as and in combination with mindar-face-target