hiukim / mind-ar-js

Web Augmented Reality. Image Tracking, Face Tracking. Tensorflow.js
MIT License
2.12k stars 391 forks source link

*IMPORTANT* Target Compiler BROKEN #524

Closed kcl101 closed 2 months ago

kcl101 commented 2 months ago

As the title says it,


This page is broken, the only way to generate .mind files as far as I know of. Is there any way to compile target images or we'll be left with nothing to do once this happens again?

Thank you.

EDIT: Identified the problem coming from jsdelivr being down. Switching cdn.jsdelivr.net to fastly.jsdelivr.net would solve it.

Also I grabbed the repo of the offline compiler, hopefully it works.

EDIT 2: Apparently the Unity WEBGL version uses this cdn as well, may developers consider packaging the js file locally to avoid similar problem in the future?

kcl101 commented 2 months ago

Would advise serving the required js files locally to avoid such problems.