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Content plan for #13

Open haustraliaer opened 10 years ago

haustraliaer commented 10 years ago

The following is an opinionated overview on how I think we should approach updating the public facing website.


I'm proposing we build the above into a single domain structure, divided into the following routes, perhaps with minor overlap in the content (eg the product pages might also contain release notes etc):

/          - Introduction to the products and brand
/web       - Detailed web wallet product page, links etc.
/osx       - Detailed osx app product page, downloads etc.
/android   - Detailed android app product page, app link etc.
/blog      - "Hive Mind" blog for thought leadership posts
/info      - Area for FAQ's, Glossary & overview of crypto
/press     - Press releases and media mentions
/support   - Support forum + release/security updates

I'm also open to idea splitting the sections into sub-domains - especially if the technology driving each section is different - in which case the url structure would be as follows:… (static pages remain here)


We'll defer to the team at Buzzdron for a broader PR strategy (which will almost certainly have overlap here), but for the time being our suggestion would be as follows:

  1. Prepare at least 3 - 4 draft articles for the Hive Mind blog and content for FAQ section in preparation for the launch of hive-js. [Karla & Buzzdron team]
  2. Design and front end for the Hive Mind blog (we can perhaps start drip feeding articles in the lead up to launch). [Ben, David]
  3. Develop content for the introduction and product specific pages. [Wendell, Matt, Ben, Dave]
  4. Prepare the backend for the support forum. [Weilu?]
  5. Design and front-end for brochure pages & forum once content and back-end are approved. [Matt, Ben, Dave]
  6. Re-launch of + launch hive.js v1 [whole team]
  7. Publish at least one thought leadership article per month to the Hive Mind blog + weekly activity through social platforms [Karla & Buzzdron team]
  8. Regular updates / improvements on Hive products (and reflected in the appropriate brochure sections) [whole team]


Feel free to comment on anything presented here and contribute further ideas - obviously there are some blanks to fill in. Please keep the discussion broad, tackling long term objectives & strategies - we can dig into specifics (such as blog post topics, etc) as a separate issue.

mackuba commented 10 years ago

Looks good :+1:

About support forum: I've heard some good things about Discourse (emberjs-based, used e.g. here, though I haven't tried it myself.

javgh commented 10 years ago

Sounds good to me!

There is also some additional discussion regarding a support forum in this ticket: .

KBenavidez commented 10 years ago

Can we add another page where you can view where Hive was released in press (coindesk, reviews, etc). I have a list of those links.

weilu commented 10 years ago

@KBenavidez +1

I guess press release can either be its own page or a sub page of blog or info?

KBenavidez commented 10 years ago

I think it's good to have this as an individual page.

haustraliaer commented 10 years ago

I've added /press to the list, thanks for that. Any other suggestions for content sections are welcome.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Since we jumped around a little bit, it looks like we need to revamp this strategy, but I am quite keen for us to roll out a more comprehensive website ASAP.