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Avatar API #23

Open haustraliaer opened 10 years ago

haustraliaer commented 10 years ago

Opening this one up for discussion with the group as it will likely affect other platforms the more we get into it.

A few people have already brought up some issues with Gravatar, namely:

So it's great if our users already have one, but otherwise kind of gets in the way. We have to expect that most people will not include a gravatar email and therefore will have no picture - so how do we propose to handle this situation? The following options have come up in our discussions so far:

  1. Single generic “wallet” icon
  2. Randomly assigned icon from pool of designed icons
  3. Generate icon from user’s wallet id (eg:
  4. Let user’s upload an image to our servers

The order of preference from our point of view is basically the reverse of above, though we understand fully how much extra development will be required for steps 3 and 4.

The hive-js contact system is only going to be light weight to begin with, so uploading or generating avatars automatically is a bit out of reach. For the release this month we are just going to use option 2. There are still some problems with this approach, as addresses / accounts will almost certainly double up their icons at some point - potentially confusing the user - so we see this as a temporary solution to make sure the product looks good for demoing.

If anyone has any further thoughts to how this might be handled on the web, or otherwise - then feel free to comment here.

haustraliaer commented 10 years ago

The other part of point 2 I should mention - and this is relevant to @weilu - is that we will need to

a) randomly pick an image from the pool for each account created. b) save the image reference to their account (it should be the same on all devices). c) send the image reference in place of a gravatar via waggle.

So I'll file an issue on hive-js specifically for this task.

weilu commented 10 years ago

Is this good-looking enough? @haustraliaer @mattlenz @jenbennings

ghost commented 10 years ago

No one has mentioned "avatars" that feature the first letter of someone's name in them. Ugly, but often far more immediately recognizable.