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XMLHttpRequest Error #31

Closed Oaklandish closed 9 years ago

Oaklandish commented 9 years ago

I'm accessing the hive using

I can't login to one of my wallets, after entering the passphrase and PIN number, the following error pops up capture

why this happens? PS. this error only occurs in one specific wallet, I still can login into other wallets, using different passphrases, on the very same laptop/browser. so it seems like an bug or something.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Yes sorry, this is a known problem related to API server timeouts with "heavily" used wallets. See here:

ghost commented 9 years ago

To be clear: we're glad to finally know what the problem is (very difficult to diagnose when we have zero access to peoples' wallets), but we probably won't be able to issue a fix until next month. If you don't mind, please reply in the thread linked above if you have any more comments about it.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Please try with your passphrase and let us know if it works.

Oaklandish commented 9 years ago

visited there, and to my surprise it asked me to set a new pin after entering my pin and it told me it's wrong ! Anyway, I set a new PIN and then again, the same Error : XMLHttpRequestError

ghost commented 9 years ago

@Oaklandish where are you located? We're slowly figuring out that this has something to do with latency in connections.

Oaklandish commented 9 years ago

I'm from Iran, And using a Proxy server which is actually located in Fremont, California and this problem is occurring even when i'm not using the Proxy server. By the way my net speed is 512 Kb/s and my download rate is 80 Kb/s average with a minimum of 60 Kb/s.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Interesting. Can you try pinging from both your proxied and non-proxied state, and post the results here?

Oaklandish commented 9 years ago

WAIT, I just logged in to my account again :O don't know why but right now it worked. does it mean it's resolved permanently or just temporarily ?

Oaklandish commented 9 years ago

and my Name and Gravatar email are gone !

ghost commented 9 years ago

Name and gravatar are gone because it is on a different server.

But that's promising news! Can you try logging out and back in again, a few times? Sounds like we may be close to a solution for most people.

Oaklandish commented 9 years ago

yes, logged out and in several times, with and without proxy, It's just working fine. hope it stays in this situation forever :smile:

ghost commented 9 years ago

Great. We're going to do some more work on this and will move it to the main server when it's stable.

Oaklandish commented 9 years ago

So you know what was the reason and what did you change just right now to make it work again ?

ghost commented 9 years ago

The issue is latency, and @weilu reduced the payload.