hizzle-co / noptin

Noptin is the best email newsletter plugin for WordPress.
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Noptin is sending digests even if no posts are available #818

Open pstimpel opened 3 months ago

pstimpel commented 3 months ago


As the subject tells, Noptin is sending out digest campaigns, even if there are no posts available. I was reporting this a few weeks ago already, but sadly, you marked it a duplicate - which was not true after all. ( https://github.com/hizzle-co/noptin/issues/801 )

I run the latest Wordpress version, the latest Noptin version. I was copying your email-posts-list.php to my themes folder, noptin/post-digests/ , made my changes to it, but only in the html part.

My campaign uses

[[post_digest style=list]]

What do I have to do to stop noptin from sending digest mails with no new posts linked in there?

Sorry for bringing this up again, but sending out news without content is annyoing my subscribers, and I already lost quite some due to this error.



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pstimpel commented 3 months ago

Oh, and to add to the story: it was running fine since I started using Noptin around August last year. The behavior started after I updated Noptin 3 weeks ago. Before that update it was all fine. Now I am no update warrior, and do updates only every few months, So I cannot tell which Noptin version was breaking the function. I was trying to check your commits, but failed to determine which commit could cause this behavior.

pstimpel commented 2 months ago

I would appriecate some sign of understanding on this one. Right now, it is quite annoying. The workaround for me is to set the campaign to Draft, but enable it when I have news to ship via mail. If I forget to set it to draft again, I send empty mails.

Is there anything that could be done about the situation?

picocodes commented 2 months ago

Hi @pstimpel,

Sorry for the delayed progress on this. I've not been able to reproduce this at all. Please send a screenshot of the automated campaign in the email editor so that I can take a look.

pstimpel commented 2 months ago

Hey @picocodes , thanks for digging into this. Appreciated.



picocodes commented 2 months ago

Your settings seem correct. Try this:-

Duplicate the campaign and then open the duplicate. Under "Send to", select "Manual Recipients" and then set your email address as the recipient. Publish the duplicate and then let me know if it gets sent out tomorrow.

PS: Do you have any other custom code related to Noptin other than the custom templates?

pstimpel commented 2 months ago

OK, will try. No, there is no other related stuff except in that custom template file

pstimpel commented 2 months ago

Btw, when I copied the campaign - which was set to Draft at that time - all the former "Newsletters" from the past half year were sent again ... First, I thought "OK, copy puts the campaign into active again", but no, the original campaign is still set to draft.

Guess, I am driving my recipients crazy with this ...

pstimpel commented 2 months ago

Duplicate the campaign and then open the duplicate. Under "Send to", select "Manual Recipients" and then set your email address as the recipient. Publish the duplicate and then let me know if it gets sent out tomorrow.

@picocodes : I did that yesterday, and the copied campaign produced an digest post today, to that single receiver, with no links to any articles. So the copied campaign shows the same odd behavior. What's next?