hjalmers / angular-generic-table

A generic table for Angular 2+. Generic table uses standard markup for tables ie. table, tr and td elements etc. and has support for expanding rows, global search, filters, sorting, pagination, export to CSV, column clicks, custom column rendering, custom export values.
MIT License
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Disable specific checkbox #278

Closed brampeirs closed 5 years ago

brampeirs commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to disable a checkbox after I use initialSelectedItems. So the checkbox for that specific row is checked on by default and can not be checked off by the user?

If that is not possible, maybe a way to capture when a checkbox is toggled or row is selected. So I can hook into that event and run some logic on and turn the checkbox back on.

hjalmers commented 5 years ago

Hi and sorry for the late reply. It's not supported out of the box but I guess it would be pretty easy to create a custom component instead of using the checkbox type option. You should be able to reuse a lot from the "built in" checkbox component .

brampeirs commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your answer. I will try that.