hjanuschka / fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning

MIT License
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Allow path to accept a parent directory #2

Closed tdorsey closed 7 years ago

tdorsey commented 7 years ago

refs hjanuschka/fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning#1

Not entirely sure this will solve it, I don't know ruby well enough to say.

hjanuschka commented 7 years ago

seems to be good - thx for your contribution

ghost commented 7 years ago

Having a similar problem. This is my directory structure:

bildschirmfoto 2016-10-15 um 22 39 57

So I've added the following lane to update this (and additional) settings.

    desc "Deploy a new version to the App Store"
    lane :codesign do


        update_project_codesigning(path: "../ToWoo.xcodeproj", use_automatic_signing: false)
        update_provisioning_profile_specifier(project: "../ToWoo.xcodeproj", prov_name: "AppStore_com.dbocksteger.ToWoo.mobileprovision")

But running my release lane throws the following error:

[22:34:58]: Error setting value '../ToWoo.xcodeproj' for option 'path'
[22:34:58]: You passed invalid parameters to 'update_project_codesigning'.
[22:34:58]: Check out the error below and available options by running `fastlane action update_project_codesigning`

How should I pass the path to the project?

hjanuschka commented 7 years ago

strange - i have the exact same direcotry structure you could try adding:

puts Dir.pwd

to the lane - to figure out where fastlane is currently :D - and than adjust the "../" - sometimes the cwd is pretty messed up

ghost commented 7 years ago

This prints out /Users/dbocksteger/Entwicklung/Projekte/ToWoo/iOS/fastlane what is exactly what I've expected to be... so ../ToWoo.xcodeproj should be working, right?

hjanuschka commented 7 years ago

ok pushed new gem - hopefully this fixes it. version 0.1.2

hjanuschka commented 7 years ago


ghost commented 7 years ago

Currently updating some gems :D Getting back with result in a few minutes :-)

bildschirmfoto 2016-10-15 um 23 03 53
ghost commented 7 years ago

@hjanuschka already failing with the same error :-(

Update was succesful.

Updating fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning
Fetching: fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning-0.1.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning-0.1.2
Parsing documentation for fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning-0.1.2
Installing ri documentation for fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning-0.1.2
Installing darkfish documentation for fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning-0.1.2
Done installing documentation for fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning after 0 seconds
Parsing documentation for fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning-0.1.2
Done installing documentation for fastlane-plugin-update_project_codesigning after 0 seconds
hjanuschka commented 7 years ago

have you tried it without "../"

ghost commented 7 years ago

@hjanuschka solved it :-)

hjanuschka commented 7 years ago

guess this is what File.expand_path does (still learning ruby) :) glad you solved it! hope the other signing issues will be resolvable too