hjc / JagTrack

An Android app for tracking the location of JagTran
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Analysis Model #18

Open kdwilson opened 12 years ago

kdwilson commented 12 years ago

To do the analysis model, I need a general outline of how the program is going to look because I need to make object diagrams based on the individual packages of the program. I will also need a general mock-up of the user interface and the way that is going to work.

hjc commented 12 years ago

Working on Christopher getting us a mock up, if he can't, then I will make one.

Not sure what the Java code will look like. I will ask Adam.

Will the SQL tables help at all? Can those be worked into an object diagram?

Odds are good we may not have all this information yet, if so do not worry about your artifact being finished by tomorrow. Just turn in what you have.

Will get back to you later.

kdwilson commented 12 years ago

I'm not sure exactly what a SQL table looks like I guess I could try to derive some kind of classes according to the information in those tables. The analysis model is pretty much just a bunch of diagrams showing the basic functionality of the classes and stuff, that's pretty much the entire thing. I will try to fill out the general information of what the analysis model is and when I get the basic flow of everything I will add to it. Just give me whatever coding classes and stuff you have when you get the chance. The final program doesn't have to follow it exactly, we can always change it later.

hjc commented 12 years ago

You can find the code in the GitHub repository.

The SQL table definition is found at: JagTrack / LCO_Brief_Placeholder / working_code / jt-create_tables.sql

The Java classes are found in: JagTrack / LCO_Brief_Placeholder / working_code / JAGTrack / src

Where JagTrack is the project root directory. Tell me if you cannot find them.

kdwilson commented 12 years ago

Uploaded what I have so far of the Analysis model and I did it in .odt just for you Hayden. (I also uploaded a .doc just for fun) And I checked the .odt in linux and the formatting seems mostly correct.

hjc commented 12 years ago


Thanks! I'll take a look at it tonight. Appreciate the document formats you chose =).