hjhart / the_rotten_pirate

Automatic torrent downloader (movie lists come from Rotten Tomatoes, torrents and ratings come from The Pirate Bay)
103 stars 12 forks source link

Problem with filter_percentage #3

Open harbingerofthefall opened 12 years ago

harbingerofthefall commented 12 years ago

Noticed a lot of "Downloaded 0 movies" notifications in prowl, so I ran rspec spec and got the following:



  1) TheRottenPirate#filter_percentage should be chainable with non certified
     Failure/Error: (eightieth_percentile - certified_and_eighteith_percentile).
       expected: 4
            got: 2 (using ==)
     # ./spec/the_rotten_pirate_spec.rb:71:in `block (3 levels) in <top (require

Finished in 6 seconds
15 examples, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/the_rotten_pirate_spec.rb:64 # TheRottenPirate#filter_percentage sh

I'm using ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [x86_64-linux]

jhart-rpx commented 12 years ago

The broken spec should be unrelated to the fact that 0 movies are downloading. Try looking your logs directory and see if there are any error messages that pop up in the {{Timestamp}}.log file.

You might try loosening your config.yml file if you want more movies to download. For instance, change filter_out_less_than_percentage to something lower, or filter_out_non_certified_fresh to false.

I'll fix that broken spec with the next release (it's broken on my build as well).