hjwdzh / QuadriFlow

QuadriFlow: A Scalable and Robust Method for Quadrangulation
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Quadriflow produces folds with certain mesh configurations #37

Closed DarkDefender closed 5 years ago

DarkDefender commented 5 years ago

It seems like Quadriflow sometimes generates folds in the output mesh: quad_prob

I've tried most of the toggle-able features, but none seems to eliminate this. I will attach a mesh that consistently produces this issue: test_mesh.zip

This is the command I run to generate the output mesh: ./quadriflow -i Bruffles.obj -o test.obj

Is this something that can be fixed or is it an inherent problem with the algorithm?

hjwdzh commented 5 years ago

This is an inherent problem of the algorithm, which sometimes cannot remove all the flips. Some other add-on ideas need to be implemented to fix this issue, but not trivial.

DarkDefender commented 5 years ago

Can these flips be detected by the algorithm? I'm thinking that we could work around this somewhat by simply applying a smoothing operator on these areas (as a post processing step).

hjwdzh commented 5 years ago

That's possible. But I think it could be tricky and cannot guarantee robustness. The geometry processing is always tricky:)

DarkDefender commented 5 years ago

Right, I was thinking of just having it as a ugly hack in blender until a better solution is found. But for that to work somewhat nicely, I would need the vertex indices of these folds.

Is that possible to get? IE does the algorithm know when it produces these folds?