hjyssg / ShiguReader

硬核宅宅资源管理器. Ultimate Manga Resource Manager
MIT License
397 stars 45 forks source link

test template #99

Closed hjyssg closed 3 years ago

hjyssg commented 3 years ago
// https://github.com/mochajs/mocha
// npm i mocha chai puppeteer

//  "scripts": {
//     "test": "mocha test.js"
// },

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const { expect }  = require('chai');

describe('Duck Duck Go search using basic Puppeteer', function(){

    let browser;
    let page;

    //不用arrow function
    // Passing arrow functions (aka “lambdas”) to Mocha is discouraged. Lambdas lexically bind this and cannot access the Mocha context. 

    before(async function() {
        // runs once before the first test in this block
        browser = await puppeteer.launch({
            headless: false

    after(async function() {
        // runs once after the last test in this block
        await browser.close();

    beforeEach(async function() {
        page = await browser.newPage();
        await page.goto('https://duckduckgo.com');

    afterEach(async function() {
       await page.close();

    it('should have the correct page title', async function() {
        const title = await page.title();
        expect(title).to.eql('DuckDuckGo — Privacy, simplified.');

    // it('should show a list of results when searching actual word', async () => {
    //     await page.type('input[id=search_form_input_homepage]', 'puppeteer');
    //     await page.click('input[type="submit"]');
    //     await page.waitForSelector('h2 a');
    //     const links = await page.evaluate(() => {
    //         return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('h2 a'));
    //     });
    //     expect(links.length).to.be.greaterThan(0);
    // });

    // it('should show a warning when searching fake word', async () => {
    //     await page.type('input[id=search_form_input_homepage]', 'pupuppeppeteerteer');
    //     await page.click('input[type="submit"]');
    //     await page.waitForSelector('div[class=msg__wrap]');
    //     const text = await page.evaluate(() => {
    //         return document.querySelector('div[class=msg__wrap]').textContent;
    //     });
    //     expect(text).to.contain('Not many results contain');
    // });
