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day23 Outpouring of grief after death of celebrated martial arts novelist Louis Cha #23

Open hk029 opened 5 years ago

hk029 commented 5 years ago

day23 Outpouring of grief after death of celebrated martial arts novelist Louis Cha



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Louis Cha, a Hong Kong newsman and celebrated Chinese martial arts novelist, has died aged 94, sparking tributes and an outpouring of grief across the Chinese-speaking world.

香港媒体人以及著名中国武侠小说作家查良镛逝世,享年 94 岁。华语世界多方人士对此深表哀悼和悲痛。

Ming Pao, the Hong Kong newspaper co-founded by Cha, said he died Tuesday at a Hong Kong hospital after a long illness.


Best known by his pen name Jin Yong, Cha was widely considered one of the world's most influential Chinese writers. He transfixed generations with his martial arts epics , such as "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", selling hundreds of millions of copies and inspiring numerous film and television adaptations.


While his novels often vividly depicted ancient Chinese swordsmen and their heroic quests , Cha was equally lauded by his fans and literary experts for his ability to encapsulate human nature, Chinese culture and political allegories in his writing.


Cha's death was the top trending item on the Chinese microblogging platform Weibo on Tuesday evening, with the topic amassing more than 1.3 billion views by Wednesday morning.

“金庸过世”是周二晚中国微博平台排名第一的热搜话题,截止至周三早间,该话题累计浏览量超过 13 亿次。

Fans in Xiangyang, a city in northwestern Hubei province that featured prominently in Cha's work, gathered to hold a candlelight vigil on its ancient city walls, local media reported.


Cha was born in 1924 in the southern province of Zhejiang, before moving to Hong Kong in 1948. He penned his first novel, "The Book and the Sword" in 1955 and went on to write 14 more.

1924 年,查良镛在中国南方浙江省出生,后于 1948 年移居香港。他在 1955 年撰写了第一部小说《书剑恩仇录》,并陆续创作了其他 14 本小说。

Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam issued a statement expressing "deep sorrow" over the death of the "learned man and an acclaimed writer".


hk029 commented 5 years ago

quick scan

香港媒体人以及著名__中国武侠小说作家查良镛逝世,享年 94 岁。引发了华语世界多方人士的深刻哀悼和悲痛。

查良镛为香港《明报》的创办者之一 __ 。据该报报道,他因久病不愈,于周二在一家香港医院与世长辞。



“金庸过世”是周二晚中国微博平台排名第一的热搜话题,截止至周三早间,该话题累计_____浏览量超过 13 亿次。



quick scan

香港媒体人newsman以及著名celebrated中国武侠小说作家查良镛逝世,享年 94 岁。引发sparking了华语世界多方人士的深刻哀悼tributes和悲痛。

查良镛为香港《明报》的创办者之一 co-founded 。据该报报道,他因久病不愈,于周二在一家香港医院与世长辞。


他的小说不仅生动vividly描写depicted了中国古代的侠客swordsmen们和他们成为大侠之路上的浮沉与求索quests,同样饱受书迷和文学家赞誉的还有他一笔书尽encapsulate人性复杂human nature、中国文化和政治讽喻allegories的才华。

“金庸过世”是周二晚中国微博平台排名第一的热搜话题,截止至周三早间,该话题累计amassing浏览量超过 13 亿次。

湖北省西北部的襄阳是一个在查良镛作品中着墨甚多featured prominently的城市当地媒体报道,许多襄阳城的书迷聚集在古城墙上,点亮蜡烛,守夜vigil祈祷,以表哀思。

香港特首林郑月娥发表issued了声明,称查良镛为“学识渊博learned之人和深受喜爱acclaimed的作家”,对于他的离去“深感哀痛deep sorrow”。

hk029 commented 5 years ago

hk029 commented 5 years ago



Chinese-speaking world.

