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day35 Donald Trump’s unconstitutional dreams #36

Open hk029 opened 5 years ago

hk029 commented 5 years ago

day35 Donald Trump’s unconstitutional dreams



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In an interview with the news program “Axios on HBO,” President Donald Trump announced that he plans to issue an executive order ending birthright citizenship, the principle that everyone born in the United States, with a handful of exceptions, is automatically a citizen of the United States. 

在接受 HBO 旗下新闻网站 Axios 的采访时,总统唐纳德·特朗普宣称,他计划发布一个行政令来取消出生公民权。而该权利指的是(除了少数例外)每一个出生在美国的人即自动成为美国公民的这项原则。

“It was always told to me,” the president declared, “that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don’t.” 


In fact, such an order would undoubtedly be unconstitutional. It would also violate a deeply rooted American idea—that anybody, regardless of race, religion, national origin or the legal status of one’s parents, can be a loyal citizen of this country. 


Birthright citizenship is established by the Civil Rights Act of 1866, still on the books today, and by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, ratified two years later. Adopted as part of the effort to purge the United States of the legacy of slavery, the principle of birthright citizenship remains an eloquent statement about the nature of American society, a powerful force for assimilation of the children of immigrants and a repudiation of our long history of racism.

出生公民权是由《1866 年民权法案》(该法案至今依旧记录在册)和 1868 年通过的《宪法第十四条修正案》确立的。美国曾试图肃清奴隶制遗留的影响,而出生公民权作为该尝试的一部分,至今仍是美国社会性质的一份有力声明,是同化移民子女的强大力量,并代表着我们与漫长的种族主义历史之间的恩断义绝。 

Trump’s prospective order would deny citizenship to children born in the United States to noncitizens. It is especially aimed at undocumented immigrants who supposedly pour into the country to have “anchor babies”—one of the president’s numerous exaggerations when it comes to the dangers posed by immigration.  


Trump’s order, if issued, will not only violate both the Constitution and deeply rooted American ideals, but also set a dangerous precedent. If the president can unilaterally abrogate a provision of the Constitution by executive order, which one will be next? 


hk029 commented 5 years ago

quick scan

在接受 HBO 旗下新闻网站 Axios 的采访时,总统唐纳德·特朗普宣称,他计划发布一个行政令__来取消出生公民权__


事实上,这样的行政令无疑___是违反宪法__的。这还将同时违背一个根深蒂固的 ____美国式理念——任何人,不论种族,宗教信仰,民族血统,父母是否拥有合法身份,都可以成为这个国家的忠实公民。

出生公民权是由《1866 年民权法案》(该法案至今依旧记录在册____)和 1868 年通过的《宪法第十四条修正案》确立的。美国曾试图肃清奴隶制遗留的影响,而出生公民权作为该尝试的一部分,至今仍是美国社会性质的一份有力声明,是同化____移民子女的强大力量,并代表着我们与漫长的种族主义历史之间的恩断义绝____。 

特朗普可能___发布的这项行政令将会否认那些父母非公民而出生在美国的儿童的公民身份。该政令还特别针对那些据说__想要通过“定锚婴儿”涌入__ 美国的非法____移民,而“定锚婴儿”是总统在谈到移民引发的危险时采用的众多夸张____说法之一。


在接受 HBO 旗下新闻网站 Axios 的采访时,总统唐纳德·特朗普宣称,他计划发布一个行政令executive order来取消出生公民权birthright citizenship

总统断言称:“人们总是告诉我,你需要一个宪法修正案constitutional amendment。你猜怎么着?你并不需要。” 

事实上,这样的行政令无疑undoubtedly是违反宪法unconstitutional的。这还将同时违背一个根深蒂固的 deeply rooted美国式理念——任何人,不论种族,宗教信仰,民族血统,父母是否拥有合法身份,都可以成为这个国家的忠实公民。

出生公民权是由《1866 年民权法案》(该法案至今依旧记录在册on the books)和 1868 年通过的《宪法第十四条修正案》确立的。美国曾试图肃清purge奴隶制遗留legacy的影响,而出生公民权作为该尝试的一部分,至今仍是美国社会性质的一份有力声明,是同化assimilation移民子女的强大力量,并代表着我们与漫长的种族主义历史之间的恩断义绝repudiation。 

特朗普可能prospective发布的这项行政令将会否认那些父母非公民而出生在美国的儿童的公民身份。该政令还特别针对那些据说supposedly想要通过“定锚婴儿”涌入pour into 美国的非法undocumented移民,而“定锚anchor婴儿”是总统在谈到移民引发的危险时采用的众多夸张exaggerations说法之一。


hk029 commented 5 years ago

hk029 commented 5 years ago



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