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day48 A newly discovered tea plant is caffeine-free #48

Open hk029 opened 5 years ago

hk029 commented 5 years ago

day48 A newly discovered tea plant is caffeine-free



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The world loves a cuppa. Even though it takes just a few grams for a brew-up, some 3m tonnes of tea are consumed every year. And tea can be good for you, as it contains compounds that help to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. But there is a downside. Tea contains caffeine which, although it improves mental alertness, can also cause anxiety, insomnia and other problems.

全世界的人都爱来上一杯茶。尽管泡一壶茶只需要区区几克的茶叶,全球每年的茶叶消费量却能达到 300 万吨左右。喝茶有益健康,因为茶叶里的一些化合物可以帮助降低胆固醇水平,同时减少心血管疾病的风险。但茶叶也有缺点:它含有咖啡因,这种物质虽然能够提神醒脑,但也能带来焦虑和失眠等副作用。

What would be agreeable is a tea plant that provides all the taste and goodness but with little or none of the caffeine. Liang Chen and Ji-Qiang Jin of the Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences think they have found just such a plant growing wild in a remote area in Fujian province, southern China. As they report in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, not only is the tea plant naturally caffeine-free but it also contains a number of unique medicinal compounds that, the locals believe, offer considerable health benefits.


Known locally as Hongyacha, the newly discovered plant grows only between 700 and 1,000 metres above sea level around a handful of Chinese alpine villages.

这种茶树,本地人称之为“红芽茶”,只生长在中国的一些海拔 700 到 1000 米的高山村落附近。

The researchers are now exploring methods to protect Hongyacha in its natural habitat while further studies are carried out. It can take time—and sometimes it does not work—for new plant varieties to be bred for commercial use. A pair of naturally caffeine-free coffee plants were discovered in 2003, but little progress has been reported. Tea enthusiasts will be watching Hongyacha with interest. And others will wonder what else is out there.

研究人员正在探索的问题是,如何在开展进一步研究的同时,将自然生长环境中的红芽茶保护起来。培育新茶品种,使其达到商用茶种的标准,是一个可能花费大量时间的过程,甚至会以失败而告终。2003 年发现的一对天然不含咖啡因的咖啡树品种,至今就还没有进展的消息。茶叶爱好者们必将密切关注红芽茶,而其他人,也会向往那些尚未被发掘的自然馈赠。

hk029 commented 5 years ago

quick scan

全世界的人都爱来上一杯茶_。尽管泡一壶茶只需要区区几克的茶叶,全球每年的茶叶消费量却能达到 300 万吨左右。喝茶有益健康,因为茶叶里的一些化合物__可以帮助降低胆固醇_____水平,同时减少心血管____疾病的风险。但茶叶也有缺点:它含有咖啡因,这种物质虽然能够提神醒脑__,但也能带来焦虑和失眠_____等副作用side effect。

如果能有一种茶,既不失口感和营养价值,又不含咖啡因或者仅含少量咖啡因,那就很理想__了。来自中国农业科学院茶叶研究所的陈亮和金基强认为,他们已经在自然条件下发现了这个“完美茶种”,这个品种不仅天然地不含咖啡因 ____ ,还特有一系列的药用__化合物——当地人相信,它们对健康大有____裨益。

这种茶树,只生长在中国的一些海拔 700 到 1000 米的高山____村落附近。


全世界的人都爱来上一杯茶cuppa。尽管泡一壶茶brew-up只需要区区几克的茶叶,全球每年的茶叶消费量却能达到 300 万吨左右。喝茶有益健康,因为茶叶里的一些化合物compounds可以帮助降低胆固醇cholesterol水平,同时减少心血管cardiovascular疾病的风险。但茶叶也有缺点:它含有咖啡因caffeine,这种物质虽然能够提神醒脑mental alertness,但也能带来焦虑和失眠insomnia等副作用side effect。

如果能有一种茶,既不失口感和营养价值,又不含咖啡因或者仅含少量咖啡因,那就很理想agreeable了。来自中国农业科学院茶叶研究所的陈亮和金基强认为,他们已经在自然条件下发现了这个“完美茶种”,这个品种不仅天然地不含咖啡因 caffeine-free ,还特有一系列的药用medicinal化合物——当地人相信,它们对健康大有considerable裨益。

这种茶树,只生长在中国的一些海拔 700 到 1000 米的高山alpine村落附近。


hk029 commented 5 years ago

hk029 commented 5 years ago

