hk21702 / YA-GCal-Notion-Sync-Script

Script to synchronize between a Notion database and Google Calendar both ways. Uses Google App Script.
GNU General Public License v3.0
139 stars 10 forks source link

Factor out day restriction days #41

Closed hk21702 closed 1 year ago

hk21702 commented 1 year ago

Factored out settings for relative max and min days of sync restrictions into global constants for easier modification by the user.

Hpxtech commented 1 year ago

Hello ! Thank you for this awesome script.

I noticed a typo on this last refactoring :

main.js:161 : options.timeMin = getRelativeDate(-RELATIVE_MIN_DATE, 0).toISOString();

Should be RELATIVEMINDAY, as in line 23. Same goes for RELATIVE_MAX.


hk21702 commented 1 year ago

Good catch. Hopefully fixed in 2571b1ea68d66cf720735e2e4259215765d54062