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[CVPR 2024 Highlight] Putting the Object Back Into Video Object Segmentation
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torch.compile and AMP #56

Closed bhack closed 2 months ago

bhack commented 3 months ago

Decorating this his function @torch.compile

On training Is going to create a mismatch between half and float. Is amp correctly applied?

bhack commented 3 months ago

Please test it with pytorch-nighlty if you can as the last stable has some incompatibility to compile your model.

hkchengrex commented 3 months ago

Compiling the entire model would be messy due to the dynamic memory. I tried compiling individual components earlier but did not observe any real speed improvements -- I would be happy to revisit if the latest torch compile is better.

I'm not sure what the problem with AMP is. It should train without errors with AMP.

bhack commented 3 months ago

With nightly you have a better coverage also on the dynamic part but the main problem is on segment and it seems more related to mixing float and half somewhere.

bhack commented 3 months ago

Another slightly related question do you had a good GPU occupancy without compilation?

bhack commented 2 months ago

is the loss computation under AMP?

hkchengrex commented 2 months ago

Another slightly related question do you had a good GPU occupancy without compilation?

I think so.

is the loss computation under AMP?


bhack commented 2 months ago

Doesn't the loss need to be under autocast and the backward outside?

hkchengrex commented 2 months ago

Backward is outside of AMP. While the exclusion is unintentional, I don't see a problem omitting the loss computation from AMP -- besides a slightly higher running time. The docs also say "should wrap only", not "must wrap".

bhack commented 2 months ago

Yes but I am only investigating cause when compiling emerges a half and float mixing operation in loss backward and it fails.

bhack commented 2 months ago

It is caused by the subsections where you have disabled amp. See

bhack commented 2 months ago

Do you have some specific ablation/experimental issue to force these code sections to not use AMP?

hkchengrex commented 2 months ago

At first, we were training without any casting back to fp32, but training would occasionally go NaN. We then added these conversions in regions that I think would require a higher precision, and NaN becomes very rare. We did not individually ablate on each region due to the randomness of NaN occurrence.

bhack commented 2 months ago

I am also experiencing random NaN in grad_norm also with the the original higher precision sections. But I've not investigated where it is coming form.

hkchengrex commented 2 months ago

Some NaN in grad_norm is fine. The AMP scaler will skip past those.

bhack commented 2 months ago

Yes, In any case if you are interested aligning AMP sections e.g. with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(enabled=False): to True your full model is going to be compilable with pytorch nightly (e.g. decorating you whole model on the wrapper forward):

But with then with the grad_norm NaN frequency I think it will be a problem without isolating the source.