hkchengrex / Mask-Propagation

[CVPR 2021] MiVOS - Mask Propagation module. Reproduced STM (and better) with training code :star2:. Semi-supervised video object segmentation evaluation.
MIT License
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About BL30K #29

Closed longmalongma closed 3 years ago

longmalongma commented 3 years ago




hkchengrex commented 3 years ago

is the file actually there?

longmalongma commented 3 years ago

is the file actually there?

@hkchengrex 是的,我确定文件都存在,解压都用了好长时间,而且个文件都解压了,不知道为什么会报文件丢失的错。


longmalongma commented 3 years ago


@hkchengrex 而且文件目录中确实没有kea03423这个文件夹,但是我是把所有6个文件都下载了,而且都解压了。

longmalongma commented 3 years ago


@hkchengrex 而且文件目录中确实没有kea03423这个文件夹,但是我是把所有6个文件都下载了,而且都解压了。 你能否帮忙看下kea03423这个文件夹是哪个压缩包里面的

hkchengrex commented 3 years ago

The path should be like /data/BL30K/Annotations/kea03423 The error is like /data/BL30K/a/BL30K/Annotations/kea03423 You are not pointing to the right path.

longmalongma commented 3 years ago

The path should be like /data/BL30K/Annotations/kea03423 The error is like /data/BL30K/a/BL30K/Annotations/kea03423 You are not pointing to the right path. @hkchengrex 我认为不是路径的问题,应该我将目录路径换了一下报错依然存在,有没有可能是你提供的压缩包里面缺少kea03423这个Annotations文件?我将6个压缩包全部解压了也没有找到这个文件。



hkchengrex commented 3 years ago

How many folders do you have in JPEGImages, and how many folders do you have in Annotations?

longmalongma commented 3 years ago

How many folders do you have in JPEGImages, and how many folders do you have in Annotations? The number of folders in JPEGImages is 19350, The number of folders in Annotations is 19347. Three of the files are missing.


longmalongma commented 3 years ago

How many folders do you have in JPEGImages, and how many folders do you have in Annotations?

@hkchengrex kea03423文件夹在JPEGImages是存在的,但在Annotations中丢失了。 image ![Uploading image.png…]()

hkchengrex commented 3 years ago

I can confirm that both JPEGImages/kea03423 and Annotations/kea03423 exist in BL30K_d.tar The corresponding MD5 checksum is e659ed7c4e51f4c06326855f4aba8109. You might verify your download/extract again/see what's wrong. When fully extracted, BL30K_d.tar should give you 5000 videos.

The checksums for all the tar files have been updated in the main MiVOS repo.

longmalongma commented 3 years ago

How many folders do you have in JPEGImages, and how many folders do you have in Annotations?

@hkchengrex kea03423文件夹在JPEGImages是存在的,但在Annotations中丢失了。 image

longmalongma commented 3 years ago

The corresponding MD5 checksum

@hkchengrex What is the corresponding MD5 checksum? What is this for? If the file you provided does not supplement the missing file, it seems no use for me to download and decompress again.

longmalongma commented 3 years ago

我目前的解决办法好像是把 JPEGImages文件夹比Annotations文件夹多出来的那三个文件删除,但是这样做不知道会影响模型性能。

hkchengrex commented 3 years ago

MD5 is for error checking: I just said that those folders exist in the original tar file. So there must be something wrong in between.

longmalongma commented 3 years ago

MD5 is for error checking: I just said that those folders exist in the original tar file. So there must be something wrong in between.


longmalongma commented 3 years ago

MD5 is for error checking: I just said that those folders exist in the original tar file. So there must be something wrong in between.


@hkchengrex 经过我的排查,我在Annotations中缺少的三个文件夹是:kea03423,kea05234 和keb03218,您能否将这三个文件夹打包给我发一下,因为我自己下载全部数据集太费时间了,在下载BL30K已经花费了很长时间了。Annotations和JPEGImages所有的文件数目分别是19350正确吗?我的邮箱。感谢。

hkchengrex commented 3 years ago

Do the checksums match? You might be missing a lot more if you are missing three folders. If you really wanted to try you can just delete JPEGImages/[those folders] as we scan JPEGImages for candidates.

longmalongma commented 3 years ago

Do the checksums match? You might be missing a lot more if you are missing three folders. If you really wanted to try you can just delete JPEGImages/[those folders] as we scan JPEGImages for candidates.

@hkchengrex 是匹配的,除了在Annotations中缺失的这三个文件夹,剩下的19347个文件是匹配的,因为我在JPEGImages中把这三个文件夹删除以后,Annotations和JPEGImages所有的文件数目分别是19347,运行并没有报错,而且成功运行完一个epoch了,所以您能把丢失的这三个文件夹打包给我发一下吗? image

hkchengrex commented 3 years ago
  1. Running an epoch successfully does not mean that you have all the files. In one epoch each video is sampled once (with three frames) only.
  2. You should have a lot more than 19347 if you downloaded all the packs. It is BL30K, so having just 19K videos would be a scam.

If the checksums match you should just extract them again.

longmalongma commented 3 years ago
  1. Running an epoch successfully does not mean that you have all the files. In one epoch each video is sampled once (with three frames) only.
  2. You should have a lot more than 19347 if you downloaded all the packs. It is BL30K, so having just 19K videos would be a scam.

If the checksums match you should just extract them again.

@hkchengrex worenwei 我把6个压缩把全部下载了,您看下压缩包的大小合适不? image





hkchengrex commented 3 years ago
  1. Correct checksums tell you everything. Don't rely on file sizes.
  2. It shouldn't matter.
longmalongma commented 3 years ago
  1. Correct checksums tell you everything. Don't rely on file sizes.
  2. It shouldn't matter.

I will use MD5 for Correct checksums. MD5 is for error checking:

longmalongma commented 3 years ago
  1. Correct checksums tell you everything. Don't rely on file sizes.
  2. It shouldn't matter.

@hkchengrex I've re-downloaded the BL30K data set and extracted it twice, and the number of JPEGImage files is 24159, and the number of Annotations is 24157, is that correct?


hkchengrex commented 3 years ago

No. Are the checksums correct?

longmalongma commented 3 years ago


I'm sorry, I don't know how to checksums.

hkchengrex commented 3 years ago

md5sum [file] in the terminal

longmalongma commented 3 years ago


md5sum BL30K? or md5sum BL30K_a.tar?

hkchengrex commented 3 years ago

On the tar files. I have provided the server-side checksums two weeks ago, you can check with that.

longmalongma commented 3 years ago

On the tar files. I have provided the server-side checksums two weeks ago, you can check with that.

If I use 24157 files for pre-training, will network performance not suffer too much?

hkchengrex commented 3 years ago

I don't know how much stuff you are actually missing. If you have 24K full videos it should be fine.

longmalongma commented 3 years ago

I don't know how much stuff you are actually missing. If you have 24K full videos it should be fine.

The number of JPEGImage files in the BL30K data set I downloaded is 24159, and the number of comments is 24157. This is less than 3K videos, so I don't know if it will cause the accuracy to decrease