hkmztrk / DeepDTA

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Closed cgh2797 closed 4 years ago

cgh2797 commented 4 years ago

in, type of "--seq_window_lengths", "--smi_window_lengths","--num_windows" are "int" (Also, I don't know what to assign value for these three.)

but, at "general_nfold_cv" in "" The code looks like this: len(paramser1)len(paramser2)len(paramser3)

but! int has no len() !! what should I do?

also , another ploblem. in general_nfold_cv

this is may be error... param1value = paramset1[param1ind] param2value = paramset2[param2ind] param3value = paramset3[param3ind]

hkmztrk commented 4 years ago

Hello @cgh2797,

As in the example below,

      help='Space seperated list of motif filter lengths. (ex, --window_lengths 4 8 12)'

nargs argument brings in the functionality of 'number of arguments' - meaning that it allows you to pass more than one value. in case of + it means we can pass at least one or more values and thus treats it like a list.

As for your other question of what values to assign these arguments "--seq_window_lengths", "--smi_window_lengths","--num_windows", you can either start with the recommended ones in DeepDTA paper or simply experiment with different value ranges.

Good luck.