I am using FAST-LIVO with a Velodyne VLP-16 and a ZED2 Camera. I followed 13 to set it up on config in avia_resize.yaml, and used the ZED values to set up camera parameters in camera_pinhole_resize.yaml. However, the overlayed point cloud is restricted to the left corner of the image instead of the front of the camera. The intrinsic and extrinsic measurements are accurate .
The white pointcloud is a part of the original that it crops and overlays onto the image.
I am lost on options to change - am I missing something?
Hi, I am using FAST-LIVO with a Velodyne VLP-16 and a ZED2 Camera. I followed 13 to set it up on config in avia_resize.yaml, and used the ZED values to set up camera parameters in camera_pinhole_resize.yaml. However, the overlayed point cloud is restricted to the left corner of the image instead of the front of the camera. The intrinsic and extrinsic measurements are accurate .
The white pointcloud is a part of the original that it crops and overlays onto the image. I am lost on options to change - am I missing something?