Closed JiangWeiHn closed 8 months ago
Hello, how did you obtain this json file and are there any format requirements?
i have fixed this problem,when run the bagfile,need save every keyframe lidar point to *pcd,the pose.json‘s format is tx ty tz qw qx qy qz .
Could you please tell me how you modified LIO-SAM to output each PCD along with the corresponding pose? I have tried several times without success. Could you kindly share the relevant code with me? Thank you.
NODES / hba (hba/hba)
auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [8622] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
setting /run_id to 39f31bc0-ea4e-11ee-82a4-c38df60e1741 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [8639] started core service [/rosout] process[hba-2]: started with pid [8642] init parameter: layer_num 1 | thread_num 16 | pose_size 5519 | max_iter 10 | part_length 69 | gap_num 1101 | last_win_size 9 | left_gap_num 67 | tail 4 | left_size 679 | left_h_size 343 | j_upper 68 | downsample_size 0.100000 | voxel_size 4.000000 | eigen_ratio 0.100000 | reject_ratio 0.050000 hessian_size: 49626 init parameter: layer_num 2 | thread_num 16 | pose_size 1103 | max_iter 10 | part_length 14 | gap_num 218 | last_win_size 8 | left_gap_num 9 | tail 3 | left_size 98 | left_h_size 52 | j_upper 10 | downsample_size 0.100000 | voxel_size 4.000000 | eigen_ratio 0.100000 | reject_ratio 0.050000 hessian_size: 9883 init parameter: layer_num 3 | thread_num 15 | pose_size 220 | max_iter 10 | part_length 3 | gap_num 42 | last_win_size 5 | left_gap_num 1 | tail 0 | left_size 10 | left_h_size 9 | j_upper 1 | downsample_size 0.100000 | voxel_size 4.000000 | eigen_ratio 0.100000 | reject_ratio 0.050000 hessian_size: 24090 HBA init done!
[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/345.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/346.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/347.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/348.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/349.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/350.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/351.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1035.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1036.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1037.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/352.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1380.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1038.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/353.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1039.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1381.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1382.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/690.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/354.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1383.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1384.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1725.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1040.pcd'. [pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '/home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/pcd/1385.pcd'. [hba-2] process has died [pid 8642, exit code -11, cmd /home/slamer/workspace/HBA-main/devel/lib/hba/hba name:=hba log:=/home/slamer/.ros/log/39f31bc0-ea4e-11ee-82a4-c38df60e1741/hba-2.log]. log file: /home/slamer/.ros/log/39f31bc0-ea4e-11ee-82a4-c38df60e1741/hba-2*.log