hku-mars / MARSIM

MARSIM: A light-weight point-realistic simulator for LiDAR-based UAVs
GNU General Public License v2.0
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problem about use fast_lio2 by using data from MARSIM #19

Closed 502006 closed 6 months ago

502006 commented 11 months ago

Hi, i want to thank for your amazing work first. I encounter a problem when trying to run fast_lio2 by using point cloud and imu data from MARSIM. I already change the topic name in FAST_LIO/config/avia.yaml as follow

截圖 2023-12-20 下午5 42 08

but point cloud data seem do not successfully connect to /laserMapping

截圖 2023-12-20 下午5 42 36

Thanks for your reply first.

502006 commented 9 months ago

if there anyone encounter the same problem?

jackykongfz commented 9 months ago

You should not directly connect the ros topic, since FASTLIO2's avia.yaml use /livox/lidar topic as input, its topic type is livox custom msg type, and the point cloud output by MARSIM is sensor_msgs/Pointcloud2.

502006 commented 9 months ago

Thanks for your reply. I try to modify Avia handler, but it seems that there’s no point.line and point.tag and point.offset_time in sensor_msgs/Pointcloud2.

XinZhaoDC commented 7 months ago

You should not directly connect the ros topic, since FASTLIO2's avia.yaml use /livox/lidar topic as input, its topic type is livox custom msg type, and the point cloud output by MARSIM is sensor_msgs/Pointcloud2.

Thanks for your reply. I try to modify Avia handler, but it seems that there’s no point.line and point.tag and point.offset_time in sensor_msgs/Pointcloud2.

I have the same question. The sensor_msgs/Pointcloud2 may be don't have each point’s timestamp which fast-lio2 needs. And It shows "failed to find match for field 'time'" when running fast-lio2. Just like the issue: And I failed to transform the sensor_msgs/Pointcloud2 to livox::CustomMsg. Can the author give some advice? Thx.