I'm getting an out of memory error shortly after it starts (runs for a few seconds before crashing). Any ideas on what could be wrong? Always seems to be that high number of bytes.
[Laser_mapping_ros_param]: common/pcd_save_dir ==> /home/johnathan/Loam_livox
[Laser_mapping_ros_param]: common/loop_save_dir ==> /home/johnathan/Loam_livox
Open common.log successful.
Open timer.log successful.
Open poses.log successful.
libgomp: Out of memory allocating 316568422848 bytes
libgomp: Out of memory allocating 316568422848 bytes
libgomp: Out of memory allocating 316568422848 bytes
[livox_laserMapping-3] process has died [pid 4260, exit code -11, cmd /home/johnathan/catkin_ws/devel/lib/loam_livox/livox_laserMapping __name:=livox_laserMapping __log:=/home/johnathan/.ros/log/a18ba54e-d167-11ea-9634-a4c3f0d5a962/livox_laserMapping-3.log].
log file: /home/johnathan/.ros/log/a18ba54e-d167-11ea-9634-a4c3f0d5a962/livox_laserMapping-3*.log
Hello, have you solved this problem? I often encounter this problem. When I use a package of rosbage, loam_ Livox will crash directly, while map creation will continue to crash for a while
I'm getting an out of memory error shortly after it starts (runs for a few seconds before crashing). Any ideas on what could be wrong? Always seems to be that high number of bytes.