hkzorman / advanced_npc

Advanced NPC for Minetest, using mobs_redo API
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Talking about programs #42

Closed BrunoMine closed 6 years ago

BrunoMine commented 6 years ago

I'd like to talk about how programs work.


The API follows an OS like model where "programs" are registered. Programs execute "instructions" and when a program is run it is put into a process queue (which is handled by a process scheduler that runs every 1 second). There is also the ability to interrupt processes in which the process state is stored. Also, processes have a variable storage if they need them.


Program definition

    program_name = "modname:program1", -- Programs name

    arguments = {program arguments}, -- Arguments table for the program

    is_state_program = true, --[[
        ^ [OPTIONAL]
        ^ If this is true, then this program will be 
          repeated while there is no next program]]

    interrupt_options = {} -- [OPTIONAL] ???

    depends = {}, -- [OPTIONAL] ???

    chance = 75, -- [OPTIONAL] ???

This is part of the documentation that deals with programs. I would like @hkzorman to do a review and answer some questions.

The method npc.programs.execute does not especify some program definitions like depends and chance. That's true?

How do ??? definitions work?

hkzorman commented 6 years ago

Thanks for writing this.

Answering your questions:

The process definition is in private _exec.create_process_entry() function. This is like this so a process is always complete and ensured to have all its attributes. You can create a process entry and enqueue it into the NPC's process queue by using: npc.exec.enqueue_program(self, program_name, arguments, interrupt_options, is_state_program).

In the above, program_name is a string, arguments is a Lua table, interrupt_options is a Lua table (optional), and is_state_program is a boolean value (optional).

The exact process definition is this:

        id = process_id,
    program_name = program_name,
    arguments = arguments,
    state = npc.exec.proc.state.INACTIVE,
    execution_context = {
        data = {},
        instr_interval = 1,
        instr_timer = 0
    instruction_queue = {},
    current_instruction = {
        entry = {},
        state = npc.exec.proc.instr.state.INACTIVE,
        pos = {}
    interrupt_options = npc.exec.create_interrupt_options(interrupt_options),
    interrupted_process = {},
    is_state_process = is_state_program

The state process have an additional attribute and is_state_process is set to true:

state_process_id = os.time()
BrunoMine commented 6 years ago

Can you explain better about how the depends and interrupt_options definitions work?

Thanks for clarifications about the process.

BrunoMine commented 6 years ago

About npc.exec.enqueue_program command, do you think it should be in the same section of public methods programs? Or is it necessary to create a new session to handle the execution queue?

hkzorman commented 6 years ago

interrupt_options is a Lua table that defines what kind of interaction can interrupt the process when it is running. The "interruption" is not a literal process pause. It means that the defined interactions can happe while the process is running. In that fashion, for example, if the NPC is sleeping, talking (right click interaction) to the NPC can be disabled.

The three supported interaction types are defined below. They are all optional and accept values of true or false

depends is a schedule entry concept. For a certain time, an array of programs is enqueued when the scheduled time arrives. The programs are enqueued in the order they are given in the array. If a program have a chance argument, it means that it could or couldn't happen. Therefore, some programs may or may not run, hence the depends.

depends is an array of numbers, where each number represents an index in the array of schedule entries for that time.

hkzorman commented 6 years ago

Regarding second question, if I understood correctly, you are asking if npc.exec.enqueue_program should be private or public. I believe it should public, otherwise there would be no way (apart from schedules) to enqueue programs.

BrunoMine commented 6 years ago
