hl7-be / core-clinical

Implementation Guide for Transversal Clinical Concepts
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[Encounter] BeEncounter v0.2 #67

Open annabel-uzl opened 2 months ago

annabel-uzl commented 2 months ago

Link to Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s0eO73DvutWIKOTElGglOf9B4phNlQDV/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114828987253817454981&rtpof=true&sd=true

Technical issues: please make new github issue There should be a business WG but we don't need to wait for it and can discuss stuff in the document (or Github issues)

KarlienHL7Belgium commented 2 months ago

Business WGs are under the lead of RIZIV, @annenerenhausen. However as encounter is so general, this might be complex. Therefore we encourage everyone to ask specific questions. One question is regarding the encounter on hold/patient on leave. R5 covers this be. The business WG might have to discuss and agree on some value sets. RIZIV points out that it is linked to BIHR. A draft Belgian BeEncounter will be build to ensure Data Cap projects to be aligned with this. We can expect a first draft version by mid August. Discussion on this will happen in the WG as from 21 August.

bdc-ehealth commented 2 months ago

Add temporary model and profile: to be approved by the workgroup! Put on master because of ease of retrieval.

bdc-ehealth commented 2 months ago

see also hl7-be/core#62

bdc-ehealth commented 3 weeks ago

Create logical model for encounter based on this document: BeEncounter v0.2 Careset.Encounter.V0.2.docx