hl7-be / vaccination

HL7 Belgium Vaccination (Patient Dossier) Specifications on FHIR - Development repository
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Change bodySite translations (request by Tom Andries) #146

Open bdc-ehealth opened 2 weeks ago

bdc-ehealth commented 2 weeks ago

Code Label EN Label FR Label NL 35259002 Structure of deltoid muscle Structure du muscle deltoïde Structuur van de deltaspier 50092008 Skeletal muscle structure of thigh Structure musculaire squelettique de la cuisse Skeletspierstructuur van de dij 102291007 Structure of muscle of buttock Structure du muscle fessier Structuur van de bilspier 371309009 Skin structure of upper arm Structure de la peau du bras Huidstructuur van bovenarm 5742000 Skin structure of forearm Structure de la peau de l'avant-bras Huidstructuur van onderarm 371305003 Skin structure of thigh Structure de la peau de la cuisse Huidstructuur van dij

bdc-ehealth commented 2 weeks ago

see; https://be-ehealth-standards.atlassian.net/jira/servicedesk/projects/ESI/queues/issue/ESI-818