hl7-eu / pcsp

EU project PanCareSurPass aiming to conduct a robust assessment of the Cancer Survivorship Passport (SurPass)
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Stem Cell Transplantation Resource #48

Closed davisart closed 1 year ago

davisart commented 1 year ago

Regarding GVHD profylaxis, we need to know if "Acute GVHD" and "Chronic" GVHD go both within the same "coding" father (as shown in the example below) or they should have multiple "coding" fathers.

Example: ` "code": {

    "coding": [


            "system": "[http://snomed.info/sct"](http://snomed.info/sct%22),

            "code": "234646005",

            "display": "Graft-versus-host disease"



            "system": "[http://snomed.info/sct"](http://snomed.info/sct%22),

            "code": "402355000",

            "display": "Acute graft-versus-host disease"



            "system": "[http://snomed.info/sct"](http://snomed.info/sct%22),

            "code": "402356004",

            "display": "Chronic graft-versus-host disease"



gcangioli commented 1 year ago

Hi @davisart can you help me to better understand your question ? In my understanding acute and chronic are mutually exclusive (Acute GVHD (aGVHD) usually occurs <100 days after HCT, while chronic GVHD (cGVHD) usually occurs ≥100 days after HCT)

let's clarify this in a call

davisart commented 1 year ago

no, they can occur together, this is the confirmation from Monica (Gaslini):

howewer we need to know if both codes go within the same "coding" father as shown in the example

gcangioli commented 1 year ago

In principle you can have more coding in a same code to represent the "same" concept with different code concepts.

In that case you're capturing two distinct conditions the acute and the chronic gvdh, so you should have two separate condition resources.

gcangioli commented 1 year ago

to do: conditionDueto

gcangioli commented 1 year ago
