hl7au / au-fhir-base

AU Base FHIR Implementation Guide Source
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QA issues across the IG (collector) #667

Closed robeastwood-agency closed 2 years ago

robeastwood-agency commented 2 years ago

This ticket is a collector of QA issues found that are deemed of minor impact and of minimal concern to have fixed (like obvious typos etc)

1) AU Local Prescription Identifier profile intro page is missing an example

The intro for the AU Local Prescription Identifier profile lists 2 MedicationRequest examples - medicationrequest-example0 and medicationrequest-example1.

A third MedicationRequest example - medicationrequest-example2 - also has a Local Prescription Identifier, and therefore should also be listed on the intro page. Elsewhere this example has the hyperlink text of "Prescription for Reaptan"

2) AU Base Medication Administration profile

There are 2 metadata issues:

3) AU Gestational Age profile

A number of issues:

4) AU Biological Sex Assigned at Birth profile

5) AU Base Smoking Status Profile

dtr-agency commented 2 years ago
  1. PractitionerRole-example1 has the wrong telecom and should be for Steve Smith at Albion Hospital
robeastwood-agency commented 2 years ago

7) terminology.md typo

" value sets ar made to " should be " value sets are made to "

See line 16

dbojicic-agency commented 2 years ago
  1. PractitionerRole-example4 has the wrong assigning authority on the Medicare Provider Number identifier.
robeastwood-agency commented 2 years ago

9. AU Address profile - incorrect content for Address Identifier extension

dbojicic-agency commented 2 years ago

In progress with @dbojicic-agency.

dbojicic-agency commented 2 years ago

In review with @RichardTON.

dbojicic-agency commented 2 years ago

In internal review with @RichardTON.

RichardTON commented 2 years ago

10) Terminology page says "used" but only lists "defined"

The Terminoligy page twice includes the text "used in this implementation guide." but the value sets and code systems listed are just the ones defined in the IG. For example Australian Indigenous Status value set is used in Australian Indigenous Status extension but not mentioned here.

Change the text to "defined in this implementation guide."

dtr-agency commented 2 years ago

AU Medicine List issues

  1. AU Medicine List. flag Medicine item change - remove the text description that repeats the value set name.
  2. All List examples for AU Med List profile need the example ids changed from uuids to the au base style
  3. Contained example uses contained resource ids that are not good practice (i.e. uuids) need to fix: list-0ebc46a8-4ea8-11e9-8647-d663bd873d93

AU Gestational Age (as well as QA point 3. above)

  1. The profile AU Gestational Age is being generated, as it is included in the ig.xml and ig.json, but it is not listed in the profiles.md. Link to generated profile page in the build: https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7au/au-fhir-base/StructureDefinition-au-gestationalage.html (migrated from #661)
  2. Metadata issues on Gestational age. This was discussed with @dbojicic-agency and @oridashi - with the conclusion to create this ticket and proceed to do a PR to have this profile listed in the profiles.md in the Pregnancy Related Profiles section. (#661)
dtr-agency commented 2 years ago
  1. there are still markdown pages from STU3 content that was initially migrated and didn't get deleted when we cleaned up the structure definitions e.g. section-author-intro.md. Need to clean this up.
dtr-agency commented 2 years ago
  1. summary.md files are not used and not to be maintained - some are mistakenly being update e.g. au-medicationrequest-summary.md because at one point they were made current. Go through and replace all the content with a note that these files are maintained solely for IG Publisher and are not maintained.
davidmckillop commented 2 years ago
  1. Re: Profile AU Base Immunisation: The introduced AU Base short of "Approving practitioner" for performer:approvedBy.actor is NOT a good fit for the referenced content of "reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization)" i.e. "Approving practitioner" is not a good fit for "Organization", and suggest that the AU Base short of "Approving practitioner" is deleted, so that the default short of "Administering performer" applies.

As this is item is going to require HL7 AU feedback a separate GitHub #692 has been created. THis item will be dealt with in #692.

robeastwood-agency commented 2 years ago
  1. typo in AU Diagnostic Imaging Report profile short name for DiagnosticReport.code

    Diagnostic imaging exmaination or study

udaychandrupatla commented 2 years ago
  1. Link in AU Medicare Provider Number (intro.md) which resolves to services Australia does not resolve.
davidmckillop commented 2 years ago
  1. In "extensions.md" remove line "Minimum Interval Between Repeats [FMM 1] - minimum allowed dispensing interval". Note: this was missed in a conflict resolution from PR #688 .
davidmckillop commented 2 years ago

21(a). The profile au-medicationadministration is listed as having "No extensions are available for this profile.", but the extension "Medication Type" is used. Need to add "MedicationStatement.medication.coding: Medication Type" to the "Extensions used in this profile:" for au-medicationadministration.

robeastwood-agency commented 2 years ago
  1. Hyperlink text for medicationrequest-example2 is "Prescription for Reaptan" in all but 2 intro files.

The following 2 intro files have a different hyperlink text "Prescription with brand name text" and "Prescription with generic name text"

Update to "Prescription for Reaptan" for consistency

NOTE- this is no longer applicable as another ballot fix ticket makes it redundant (the 2 examples in question had the extensions removed); see https://jira.hl7australia.com/browse/FHIRIG-188

robeastwood-agency commented 2 years ago
  1. AU Gestational Age - title value typo

<title value="AU Gestional Age"/> should be <title value="AU Gestational Age"/>

davidmckillop commented 2 years ago
  1. Contained example uses contained resource ids that are not good practice (i.e. uuids) need to fix: practitioner-example4
davidmckillop commented 2 years ago
  1. Typo: au-composition Conversion Note: ".... andRelated ... " should be "... and Related ..."
robeastwood-agency commented 2 years ago
  1. Profile au-residentialagedcareserviceidentifier is missing the element StructureDefinition.date
    • add as today
    • increment patch number on StructureDefinition.version
dtr-agency commented 2 years ago

@davidmckillop remove ballot issues from this QA collector. This isn't a workflow story.

dtr-agency commented 2 years ago

@robeastwood-agency, @davidmckillop, @vikasmittal-dh please remove workflow related content around branch and PR development. HL7AU Github is not our workflow and scope management tool.

Note also that some of the mentioned changes are expected to be removed from the PR so let's take that conversation out of GitHub issue and into the JIRA space if needed.

davidmckillop commented 2 years ago
  1. AU Composition has an inconsistent order of headings as compared to other profiles.